Monday, April 13, 2015

Nepal: What Goes Up, Must Come Down ~ Trekking Back to Lukla

At altitutes over 11,000 ft. the air is noticeably thinner making uphill traverses slow and steady. The workers that haul loads up to the mountain villages are paid by the kilo (2.2 lbs.), so the more they can manage, the more they're paid. The traditional way to carry the load is by basket slung over the back, which are then strapped across the forehead!

Some of the trails were quite steep, making the downhill walks equally challenging. 
Trekking back downward to the village of Monjo.

More suspension bridges to cross (has anybody seen the bridge?)

   More scenes of village life.

 And, more spectacular views.


Posing with the elder mountain man who has helped collect funds for trail repair and maintanance since the 1980s.

   And - more sacred sites.

    Here's to a successful Himalayan trek!


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