Sunday, April 12, 2015

Nepal: Namche Bazaar - A High Mountain Town

Looking down on Namche Bazaar (approx. 11,300 ft.). The small town is nicely situated and massive peaks can be seen from many vantage points. We spent a couple of nights in the village enjoying a rest stop and acclimatizing. 

On an early morning day hike we climbed a hill just above the village to a lookout peak where we caught our first good views of Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest). 

Posing with one of our porters - Shujan (sounds like Susan).

Our other porter, Krishna, with the Team Right On! fist held high.

The peak with the wispy clouds near it - in the middle - is Mt. Everest.

In front of the statue of Tenzing Norgay.

Ama Dablam (approx. 22,500 ft.) - another spectacular mountain peak - was also visible from the hilltop. Fewer climbers attempt to reach the top of this mountain, and we were told it's even more "technical" and challenging than Everest.

Our group -Team Right On! with Everest and Ama Dablam in the background.

From the lookout hill we walked on a trail above the village of Namche and visited a monastery where we each received a blessing from the local (jolly) monk.

We also walked to the heli-pad above Namche for more spectacular views.

On the heli-pad with Krishna.

Posing with our porters - who are attempting to master the Team Right On! secret hand gesture ...
"Live long and Prosper" (aka the Vulcan salute). In memory of and honoring beloved Mr. Spock!

With a yakbell salesman in the Namche Bazaar downtown area.

1 comment:

Katie Mae said...

Wow!!! You have covered some sacred, gorgeous ground!!!! Thanks for sharing these stunning pictures!!! Hope to see the beautiful Himalayas again some day!!! Safe journey home!!! :)