Saturday, April 11, 2015

Nepal: Holy Temples - Pashupatinath & Bodhnath

We visited two important holy sites in Kathmandu, the Hindu sacred site Pashupatinath, where pilgrims and devotees come to worship from all around the region. Colorful stalls attended to by equally colorful vendors are lined-up out front so that devotees, and anyone else, can purchase items to use as offerings.

Getting into the spirit of things we purchased strands of orange marigolds - and represented our hometeam - it was Orange Friday!

Blessings were bestowed

Although only Hindu's are allowed to enter the main temple, there were plenty of intriguing and exotic sights (to us) and goings-on.

At Pashupatinath there are many cremations along the holy riverbank. We watched several funeral pyres and reflected on the realities of life - and death.

Along the river and within the temple walls.

Our next temple stop was Bodhnath, the largest Buddhist stupa in Kathmandu, and another World Hertitage site. The visit inadvertently coincided with a holy day honoring deceased relatives and ancestors. It was packed with village people who had journeyed - many on foot - to the sacred site specifically for this special occasion. Needless to say it was very, very interesting!

There were dozens of seated holy men leading prayers, their followers also seated (on the ground) surrounding them - and the entire stupa plaza area. 

A large Buddhist prayer wheel, that when spun sends the enscripted and encapsulated sacred prayers around and round, and into the realm of the spirits and heavens.

Worshippers climbed up onto the stupa and walked clockwise around it's various levels - always keeping the holy structure and prayer wheels on their righthand side.

Thousands of colorful prayer flags, also enscripted with the sacred mantra - "Om Mani Padme Hum," flutter high above the "Great Stupa" - which is famed for its powers of blessing.

A couple of transfixed non-locals taking in the sights, sounds, and scents.

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