Saturday, April 11, 2015

Nepal: Himalayan high - Lukla to Phadking to Namche Bazaar

We started our fantastic 7-day trek in Lukla (9200 ft), flying into one of the highest and most dangerous airports in the world. Once landed, we were rewarded with inspiring mountain views, and immediately immersed in a different world where local village life is lived without any motorized vehicles - only pack animals - mules, dzokio (a cow/yak hybrid), and the ubiquitous wooly yak.

All along the trek we saw (and spun) many prayer wheels - some small, others massive - always walking clockwise around the sacred mani stones, stupas, shrines, and Sanskrit enscripted walls.

Prayer rocks are everywhere along the way.

Walking the trails through villages and beneath the Earth's highest mountains.

Village life...

Some of the many suspension bridges - most over raging rivers.

Two bridges in the distance - over the frigid river

More colorful sights and spiritual shrines seen along the trail.

The soaring peaks are all around us.

Team Right On!  including our guide and porter (minus one - the photographer)

The Grateful Globetrotters entering Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park ... on the way to Mt. Everest!

1 comment:

Katie Mae said...

Thanks so much for sharing! Amazing and majestic place you are traversing, can feel it in the pics and in the spirit rocks and faces. be safe and enjoy your mountain soul cleanse. :)