Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jamaica: Stevo's 60th ~ StoneyFest a la Playa

The Director of Travel (Dotti) relaxing at "Catcha"
Much advanced planning went into our group trip to Jamaica. Grateful Deb (re-christened as DOT/Director of Travel) did an amazing job organizing, coordinating, and arranging the many details that were involved. In the end, 12 friends from various stateside locales joined us in sunny Negril to help celebrate Stevo's 60th birthday, a Jamaican Stoney-Fest gala.

Prior to the week-long group gathering, the Globetrotters had three additional nights of pre-partying at a lovely cliff-side resort called Catcha Falling Star (and Ivans is their amazing outdoor dining area).

 awesome views

a nicely situated pool

floating in the cove
The view from the crow's nest
sunset view from our room balcony
~And there was much rejoicing~
Our gang of revelers on the soft sand in Negril, Jamaica
Many of Stevo's friends joined us on the island for fun and partying Jamaican-style, mon!

Great beach time and perfect weather

floating ...

  raft-ups ...

Hangin' on "Stoney's Island"

Stoney's Island attracts the usual crowd
dining, music, and entertainment
is that where the straw normally goes?

Reggae music on the beach!

Our first group outing ...

a visit to a local farm

my to go bag
field of green
"On the bus" for another outing ... a local pub crawl

all aboard the "one love" bus

The official trail mix of the Jamaican pub crawl association

Mr. Fleck and Stoney toast the day!

With the bus driver and company owner

tasty treats at a cliff side bar
the aftermath

And, heaps of partying!

Jumbo Jamaican spliff

Great memories ... as far as we can recall

The grand finale - Stoney's birthday celebration

                     A boatload of pics

Craig, cleaning up his mess!

birthday sunset

signing the bus grill

the green flash?

 A memorable birthday celebration for Stoney's 60th!
A heartfelt thank you to the amazing Grateful Deb
(aka - Dot/Dotti)

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