Thursday, April 20, 2017

Seychelles: La Digue Island - We are diggin it!

La Digue (sounds like - dig) has a laid back vibe with very few motorized vehicles. There are some trucks and a few vans, but mostly small electric golf carts and bicycles fill the road. Virtually everyone rides bikes - us included - there's also the option of taking the occasional oxcart down the stone and/or sandy streets. The temperature here is extremely warm and the humidity is as high as the temps (in the 90s). That's not stopping us, just slowing us down a bit, and adding to the laid-back-ness of this heavenly island. We thought that Praslin Island was the ultimate in geologic wonder, but this smaller island is even a notch above. From a visual, scenic point of view there is nowhere else on Earth that can compare - if you like tropical island splendor that is!

The ultimate location on the island just might be the rocks and sea at Source d'Argent, which is a short 10-minute pedal from our hotel. The green jungle backdrop and the powder-white sand contrasts with the stunning granite boulders that protrude at unusual and spectacular angles, making for many "wow moments." It's really a surreal and unbelievable sight and we're running out of worthy adjectives to describe the eye-candy. It's "picture perfect" but even photos can't do it the justice it deserves!

What we've seen of the rest of the island is beautiful as well, and we've been able to explore much of it on our hotel-provided bikes. The interior is lush and tropical - with the occasional giant land tortoise wandering about. Like Source d'Argent, most of the coastline is edged with those incredible granite boulders - outrageously gorgeous! The sea temps are also quite warm - in the high 80s, so stopping at every beautiful beach we could was "mandatory" to cool down somewhat and allow us to navigate up and down the hilly terrain.

And, the amazing landscape isn't the only incredible sight to see. There are many fine snorkeling spots among the rocks, in the calm sea, that make those swimming experiences even more special. Some fine snorkeling was had off-island at nearby Coco, Big Sister, and Felicite Islands, which we visited on a half-day boat excursion specifically for the purposes of underwater exploring - what a special place!

In the late afternoon we took a kayak from our hotel and headed back to the Source D'Argent area by sea for one last look at the world's most scenic shoreline - so fantastic! 

1 comment:

Mombo said...

As usual, the commentary and the pictures are most excellent. Is there a geological reason for a lush jungle inland and giant granite boulders on the coast? Where did those boulders come from? They didn't just rise out of the sea, did they?
I am so happy to hear that this is a fantastic experience that brings you both joy. You are truly grateful globetrotters. Will you be going to another island in the Seychelles?