Saturday, January 8, 2011

India: Temple Tours & NYE in Thanjore

For our end-of-year celebration we enjoyed a luxurious three night stay at the Ideal River View Resort, on the banks of the amazingly clean and natural Vennar River, near the temple town of Thanjore. The hotel had lovely manicured grounds, a large swimming pool, and very nice ping pong and pool tables.


On New Year’s Eve the resort put on a crazy-wild extravaganza, complete with a sumptuous feast, during which we were entertained by local dancers, drummers, and classical Indian musicians. This was followed by an award ceremony, speeches, drum circle and group dancing by the hotel guests, free libations, and finally an impressive firework display over the river at the stroke of midnight. The frenzy of hand-shaking with the hotel staff became even more intense with the entry into 2011, taking on near comical proportions – and making for a very welcoming and happy experience.

The town of Thanjore is mainly about seeing the Thanjavur Royal Palace and Bridhadishwara Temple, and we found the time to visit both on the same day. The magnificent temple, which was constructed beginning in 1010, is considered to be one of the finest in south India and we spent a few hours exploring the stunning architecture and intricately carved stonework. Inside Deb was blessed by the temple elephant, who tapped the crown of her head (for a token donation).

Our tour of temple towns continued with a visit to the city of Madurai, where we paid a night visit to the Sri Meenakshi Temple, another famous and important pilgrimage site for followers of the Hindu faith. The temple is an inspired work of art, featuring some amazingly colorful painted ceiling art, as well as a kaleidoscopic array of carvings of gods and deities in the stone walls within. The temple grounds are well-lit for pilgrims, many of whom have traveled hundreds of miles (often on foot) to worship. Though most of the inner sanctum was off limits to non-Hindus, there was still an abundance of wonder to behold.

While in Madura we also paid two visits to the Tirumalai Nayak Palace, once by daylight and then again for an evening sound and light show, yet another strange and interesting experience.
Traditional ways are still in evidence all around us. We’ve seen rickshaws being peddled, coconuts being hacked by women with machetes, and the ever-present oxcart hauling loads of unusual goods – and of course, the sacred cows are wandering the streets wherever we go.


Kathy said...

HEY!!! Beautiful pictures. Looks amazing. Is it really hot? Deb - I notice you have your gel neck cooler on.
Loveyou guys - Happy New Year!

Mombo said...

you might receive this twice, because I am still technically challenged. Great blog, and photos.
Love it.

Danica said...

Love getting these updates. Thanks and Happy New Year. -Danica

Anonymous said...

Great following this journey. Keep up the blogging. Dan Tawil

Unknown said...

Greetings Debster & Stoney-Jo!

First of all...HAPPY NEW YEAR! - What a way to begin 11... In your case, this one definitely goes to eleven :-)

The Meenakshi Temple is amazing from your pictures. I imagine in-person truly incredible. I can see why their prayers get answered. -wyb?

I think this is a spectacular journey & adventure you have designed. I am looking forward to seeing more: - Pics and posts and bears - Oh my! Pics and posts and bears - Oh my! :-) - Scarecrow reminds you to not play with matches. LOL! ALIC!

Hope this message finds you both healthy happy and high! - Oh my!

Keep on Truckin!
Love ya -- Fleckenheimer