Friday, February 12, 2010

Nicaragua: Exploring the Corn Islands

Here we are in lovely Nicaragua, having started off the journey by heading right from Managua and going directly to the Caribbean side of the country bound for the tiny Corn Islands by small propeller plane. Landing on the dirt runway we could see straight away that this was our kind of place. The swaying coconut palms and simple local life was there in abundance, and for $1 US we could hire a taxi to take us to any corner of Big Corn Island (not so big, but certainly a bit larger than Little Corn Is.). We found our temporary new home to be just right, with a sweet infinity pool that overlooked the turquoise sea.

Our days were filled with funtastic Caribbean-style adventure mixed together with some relaxation, and lots of socializing with both local amigos and new found traveler friends - many from wintery Canada. Being the Caribbean, there was decent snorkeling amongst colorful coral and sealife, and many a deserted, white sandy beach to laze on and/or toss the frisbee. One day we had an especially fun round of frisbee with some local kids who didn´t speak a word of English - yet the flying disc was all we needed to communicate that we were ready to have some fun. It seemed that the niños (kids) had not seen much frisbee action in the past - but like children all around the globe they were fast to learn and filled with laughter.

On another day we ferried out to Little Corn Island - so tiny that there are no roads - hence no motorized vehicles, spending our time there strolling around the entire shoreline and taking dips into the warm sea - with the occasional break to quaff the tasty, icey cold, Tona beer (also $1 US)!

We also had an opportunity to watch the Superbowl - an unexpected treat - and we cheered most loudly during the rockin´ halftime show featuring The Who (our team). Everyone we met on these islands were kind and friendly, and we thoroughly enjoyed the tranquillo vibe that permeates this most authentic Caribbean corner of Nicaragua.


Anonymous said...

This looks so beautiful!! Love the water and sun shots.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time. I'll have to add this to the bucket list.
-Dave Mc.

Mombo said...

Beaches look dreamy, and so does
Nicaragua. It looks like you warmed your "bones" rather quickly.
Love, Mombo

Anonymous said...

Bella! Looks great. Glad the rasta-disc is making the rounds. I guess it's a Chico-style traveling gnome...

And am I mistaken or is that as good a jamming beach as Byron?

Excellent photos too.
