Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thailand: The Hip City of Chiang Mai

When we left the quiant village of Chiang Dao we stopped at the Tuesday morning market, frequented by locals and people from the surrounding area. There were some hilltribe items for sale, lots of western clothing, and heaps of strange and interesting food available for purchase. Many types of pickled and dried fish on a stick, strange colored eggs, root vegetables, and brightly colored liquids and "pixie dust" in jars.

We've been in Chiang Mai for a few days now, enjoying what the city has to offer, beautiful temples, great shopping, and yummy food. We explored the most important temple in Northern Thailand, Doi Suthep, which is perched on a hillside overlooking Chiang Mai. The architecture at this temple is spectacular, with many giant, golden buddha images, and amazing structures. There was quite a crowd around the main temple complex, apparently because the former Prime Minister (from 5 years ago) was being blessed by 2 very important elder monks, so that he too could once again be a monk. It was a really big deal, and there was a film crews documenting the proceedings - and a crowd of adoring Thai standing by to observe. Outside the temple are hilltribe people selling their wares, and this little girl enjoyed posing for us.

We've been traveling about with Dave and Michelle for the past 2 weeks, and it's been a great time. This photo shows us at the Royal Summer Palace, also on the hill overlooking the city of CM. When the royal family is not in residence it's open to the public, and we were able to tour around the grounds to see the beautiful flower gardens. Just like at the temples, proper attire must be worn at all times on the royal grounds (shoulders and knees covered), which is why Dave is wearing those fashionable fisherman pants (rented), as he started the day in shorts.

There are so many temples in Chiang Mai, that we tended to only visit just a few a day to avoid burnout. Yesterday we met a young, like-minded, globetrotting couple from Vermont on a temple grounds near our hotel, who were on a year-long journey. They reminded us when we took our big trip 10 years ago, and we enjoyed sharing stories and advice.

One evening we had a fantastic dinner along the Ping River, which is very romantic after dark, and where there's a happening nightlife scene with live music. We enjoyed the atmosphere and stayed up late partying and drinking that night.

Chiang Mai is also a great place for shopping, so we have done our fair share of supporting the local economy. Too bad we didn't need any brooms from this salesman.


Anonymous said...
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BurmaBOB said...

Swadee Kap ! Stev-O, Deb-E , Dave & Michelle!!
Lov'n this blog! Way cool commentary with such wonderfully vibrant images, add so much to" blog experience". Your really getting some good shots in!(Fav's of course the people/kids pix) Nice to see you off the trail' but still getting some pampering in! Way to go! Anyway -Missing you guys BIG, as the days whiz by and the holidays approach. But I'll be seeing you all UPSIDE DOWN in the new year! Can't Wait!- Happy Holidaze!!! Big LOV'! Byron- Bay -Bob