Thursday, February 18, 2016

Philippines: Philippines & Phriends - The Gang's All Here!

Another flight back to Manila where our group of five expanded and we met up with Lulu, Bob, Karen, and Richard at the Manila airport for the short flight to Dumaguete on the large island of Negros Oriental.  Our Philipinnes and Phriends group was now up to nine (including us). We had originally planned to be a gang of eleven, but sadly our companions Dave and Michelle had to drop out due to a last minute snow skiing injury to dear Michelle's leg and knee (ouch!). We sorely missed their presence and thought about them regularly, but that didn't stop the rest of us from enjoying the fine Filipino friendliness and some spectacular scenery.

From the port town of Dumaguete we all ventured southward and spent three nights in the coastal town of Dauin (Dah-ween), which was about 30 minutes away. Our accomodations were at the fantastically funky "Flinstonesque" El Dorado Resort - a spot that Dave and Michelle had visited previously and had highly recommended.  The hotel was perched on the sandy shore and was the perfect place for a group gathering and celebration.

Facing east allowed for superb sunrises over the ocean for those who rose early enough (every morning for Stevo). We convened for afternoon happy hour and had great meals together, and everyone enjoyed swimming in the groovy pool area.

We had one group outing to the local weekly market where vendors sold fish, meats, fruits and vegetables, and various odds and ends to the mostly Filipino shoppers. There was also a livestock auction where cows, goats, and pigs were being bought and then hauled off by many locals.

We had a late morning snorkel at the nearby marine sanctuary and we also celebrated Stevo's 57th birthday at the El Dorado, which was a festive day of partying and a fun group dinner.

From Dauin we drove back to Dumaguete for an hour-long boat ride to the mystical island of Siquijor (See-key-hoar) a special place that we'd visited on our first trip to the Philippines a couple of years prior. This was the spot that we had loved so much that we really wanted to share it with friends from back home, and was the impetus for the "Grateful group" trip. 

We spent six days and nights at the magnificent Coco Grove Resort, where many of the kindest staff on the plant remembered us from our visit of two years ago. Needless to say, our traveling friends loved this island and the resort as much as we do.

We had amazing snorkeling sessions right off the beach, enjoyed soothing massages at the spa, combed the beach for shells, drank cocktails and cold beers at the pool swim-up bar, and floating ocean bar, and kayaked along the shore. 

We gathered every afternoon at 5:30 for incredible sunsets, as well as evening meals. For Valentine's Day the hotel put on an evening cultural show and buffet feast and another night there was a BBQ with entertainment - including a drumming group and beachside fire dancers.

We had two fun-filled day adventures - an all-day boat trip to nearby Apo island where we swam and snorkeled with sea turtles in the warm sea. 

Another day we ventured around the island of Siquijor, visiting Cambugahay Falls, St. Isidore's Church, and Saladgdoong Beach where the brave can cliff dive into the crystal waters below. Only Kathy was willing to take the plunge. 

The final stop of the day was at the century-old Balete tree at the base of which is a natural spring filled with fish that nibble dead skin off your feet - a free fish spa treatment. 

We loved our final days in the Philippines and our group of nine got along so fine, and everyone had a fantastic time.