Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Malaysia: Christmas in Kuala Lumpur

Christmas Eve in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (KL) was spent acclimating to the new environment, adjusting to the warm temperature, and recovering from the 18+ hours of flight time. Our accommodations upon arrival were smartly prearranged (by Deb) and we easily made our way to the KL airport hotel – a swanky Pan Pacific Hotel. Exhausted yet excited, we enjoyed a quick plunge in the hotel pool and got some much needed fresh air, having been inside planes and airports for nearly 2 days. After our swim we had for a sumptuous dining experience in the hotel restaurant, which despite being in a predominantly Muslim country was nicely decorated for the holiday with a huge Christmas tree - complete with lights, ornaments, and wrapped presents and gifts boxes strewn beneath.

We awoke on Christmas day to sunny warm temps in the 80s, and headed out for a day of exploration and fun. Our morning adventure began at the nearby Batu Caves, which we reached by local rail in about 35 minutes from the city center. The inside of the caves are reached by climbing up 272 steps that are set into a limestone cliff side, that’s flanked by a huge 300 foot high guardian statue. Within the massive cave we found many alcoves that housed dozens of colorful shrines, each dedicated to various Hindu gods and goddesses, as well hundreds of worshippers, visitors, and spectators. We climbed about, examining the scene in wonder for an hour or two, then retreated back into the city center and did further explorations via bus and foot. The city was teaming with people taking advantage of the annual end-of-year sales, as Christmas day is the biggest shopping day of the year in this country. And even though most of the citizens here are not Christians there was plenty of holiday décor and celebration.
Our day of adventure over, we took the train back to the hotel and cleaned up for the evening feast – a holiday buffet that included roast turkey, quail, stuffing, potatoes, and veggies galore, as well as spicy Asian delicacies, and of course a magnificent array of sweets. Even though we are far from home and missing family and friends – it was a very wonderful and different way to spend the holiday.