Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fijian Fantasy

Our traveling adventure began in late November 2008, and now finally we've come to the conclusion of another successful globetrotting expedition. The last leg of this amazing journey took place in the island nation of Fiji, and we spent the last 5 days of this 3-month holiday in this most beautiful paradise (our 3rd excursion together to the country). We were joined by some of the Byron Bay revelers - Larry & Mary (CO), and Bob (CA), as well as Kevin (CA), a friend of Bob's from Northern California, who's now our good mate too.

Fiji is a country that consists of over 300 islands, and we chose to venture off into the familiar Yasawa Island group, an area that is both gorgeous and easily accessed. We stayed on verdant Waya Island at a lovely resort called The Octopus, a place that came highly recommended by friends and other travelers. It's a fantastic property, located on an impressive stretch of beach, fringed with swaying coconut palms and backed by green and lush jungled hills, and featuring a vibrantly alive coral reef right offshore. We had the prime location at the resort, as we'd decided to "go for it" and upgrade to the secluded and private "point bungalow" at the edge of the resorts white sand beach. Our bure (Fijian for bungalow) was simply fantastic, and was adjoining to Larry and Mary's bure. There was a huge patio deck that was a shared common area and was only for the four of us (though we invited Bob and Kevin to join us for afternoon sunning sessions and the nightly sunset/happy hour party). We spent hours on the wood deck, gazing off at the horizon, and lounging on reclining beds under our large umbrella. Octopus resort also had a very usable swimming pool, a rarity in this part of Fiji, as well as an excellent massage hut that was fully utilized by our crew.

We had several days of great snorkeling on our colorful offshore "house reef" swimming amongst friendly fish and the hard and soft coral that grew in "Dr. Suessian" shapes and sported brilliant rainbow hues. There was one day in particular that stands out in terms of snorkeling perfection, and that was the all day boat trip that we took to 3 very pristine and special snorkel spots - all out of this world. We experienced fish galore, underwater caves and caverns, and hundreds of phenomenal shapes and colors in a literal "Octopuses Garden." The day also included a feast of BBQ'd fish and fruits on a real deserted island.

Back at the resort here was nightly Kava ceremonies, beach volleyball games, movie nights, and heaps of other activities to keep us preoccupied if desired. One night there was a crab racing event, which is one of Deb's favorite island resort activities. Our gang's crabs did very well in the big race, with Deb's coming in 3rd, and Kevin's winning 1st place - the prize being a combined bar credit of $40 Fijian dollars (immediately put to good use!).

We met many other like-minded travelers at The Octopus with whom we shared tales of adventure and glory, and it was agreed that this was the perfect locale in which to wrap-up yet another grateful globetrotting extravaganza. We're now back home in Northern Cal, re-acclimating and reflecting on just how excellent this now completed trip was for us. To us it seems like a lifetime ago that we started the journey in Northern Thailand, and so very much transpired in the 3-months that we were on the road. We're extremely grateful that we're so lucky to be able to take these extended "world trips", and we feel blessed and so very fortunate that we live in a land that allows us such great opportunity in life. Traveling adventures like this one gives us great perspective on just how much we have here in the US as compared to many others on this Planet Earth. We thank our lucky stars every day!

Namaste ~

Friday, February 20, 2009

Australia: FeStevo's OzFest 2009 Byron Bay

Byron Bay, Australia offers it's magic in healthy doses, and dishes out an abundance of stimulating adventure and some mighty spectacular natural scenery as well. It was years ago, during our 2nd visit to this land o' plenty, that we first spoke of having a birthday gathering in this special spot for Stevo's 50th. We began planning this event several years ago (utilizing Deb's superior planning skills) and then we actually pulled-off hosting an out-of-homeland "party week" that was mind-boggling in both scope and fun factor.

On an earlier adventure to Byron in '04 we had stayed at a nicely situated group of nearly beachside studio apartments, renting one for about 2 weeks. For this "special week" of party revelry we secured 5 of the 6 available apartments in the same complex, which made for a summer camp/party mode kind of atmosphere - very festive! Our party crew consisted of 1o fantastic friends, plus the 2 of us, all of whom travelled from the US to help celebrate the "milestoner" event. Larry & Mary (CO); Glenn, Donna, & 6 year-old Noah (CA); Bob (CA); and Dave & Michelle (our travel mates for the 3rd time on this journey!), each had a separate studio apartment with a large, shared, outdoor common area/patio - ideal for happy hours and group or communal meals. Kathy (GA) & Lauri "Lulu" (CO) were the honorary "Laverne & Shirley" team, as they opted to stay at a nearby beachfront hotel (with a cement pond) which was just across the small alley way behind the main encampment.

Byron has the quintessential hippie/surfer vibe, and offers excellent shopping, a vibrant and youthful night scene, and endless and lovely beaches fringing a warm-water ocean. We took full advantage of this Eastern-most point of mainland Australia, spending many hours on the shores. Sandcastles were built, hula-hooping happened, body surfing abounded; and since Larry is one of the most amazing practitioners of freestyle Frisbee on our planet, heaps of disc tossing took place as well. There were also several days of prearranged group activities in which all - or most - of our gang participated. Of course there was much socializing, and gabbing aplenty.

Lauri and Kathy generously had specially designed T-shirts made for everyone in the group to commemorate the event, then schlepped them all that way, handing them out on the very first night that we were all together! How cool is that? On another evening, "Laverne and Shirley" hosted a fun-filled happy hour in their primo room, which looked out to the beach, and a through a stand of giant pines that drew a huge flock of parrots each night at sunset.

Our first planned group outing was a day trip to the Twilight Zone - also known as the town of Nimbin. We boarded a funky bus with a frizzy-haired driver at the wheel, and with some rollicking tunes blasting from the loud-speakers, we speed outta Byron and headed for the hills (called "the hinterland" in these parts). Visiting the strange hamlet of Nimbin means taking a voyage back in space and in time - for it is an area of Australia unlike any other - more akin to a Mayberry-ish version of Amsterdam. In other words, the town of Nimbin proudly promotes the responsible, recreational use of Cannabis. On main street, there are dozens of shops, museums, and cafes and all of them selling merchandise related to, or in promotion of, what we once called "waky-tobaccy." We shopped around, ate some food at a hip cafe, and soon thereafter re-boarded the bus with smiles and glee. On the way back to Byron the bus stopped at a local Sunday Market, which was a festive affair of vendors offering crafts, clothes, and food for sale. As we headed back to our magic "tour" bus we were fortunate to see a Koala Bear in a tree high above. Our last stop of this day-long adventure was at a National Park to see Minion Falls, which is just a trickle at this time of year (summer in Australia), but still a lovely spot. Here we saw a giant lizard (called goana's here). What a marvelous "kick-off" trip - and one filled with much laughter, sing-along, and of course, chatting.

Another day found us taking a guided, but wild and crazy kayak trip, on a morning graced with perfectly formed, and rather largish waves (the wild part). Given the size of the swell that day there was a bit of trepidation and excitement in the air, but in the end we were very amped that we took the trip - and survived it! After pushing through the pealing shore break, our group paddled to the outside of the breakers and settled-in at a spot were a large pod of dolphins came to visit us. We watched them playing in the waves for quite some time, which brought great joy and rekindled child-like feelings in us. Speaking of childlike, Noah (almost 7!) rode with the owner of the company, who was an expert paddler. A highlight of this trip was the ride back in to shore, in which we had to negotiate the fierce waves. Needless to say, we all caught waves that brought us to the sandy beach.

Another of our group play days involved surfing lessons with former world-champion surfer Rusty Miller, now 65, and originally from California. Rusty has lived in Byron for the last 30 years, and was a kind and gentle teacher. This was great fun for all, and everyone that tried it rode the (smaller this day) waves (see photos).

Stevo's 50th birthday (Feb. 11) was yet another perfect day. After the commencing of the morning surfing lessons, we came back to the apartment and were greeted by a surprise party that was organized by Michelle and Dave. There was a colorful party hat for Stevo, banners, food & munchies,and party beverages for all. What a thoughtful and utterly delightful afternoon celebration. That afternoon we played by the beach, then we all gathered for an excellent birthday dinner at The Balcony restaurant. The meal, and chocolate birthday cake that followed, were simply scrumptious.

One other day, most of us joined forces and took an excellent loop hike to the Byron Bay lighthouse, which is perched at the Eastern-most point in Australia. The track travelled through rainforest and along the beaches, and the weather was cooler and somewhat overcast, which was actually helpful for the 3 hours we spent on the trail. Rains started late that afternoon, and persisted all of the next day (our last), but by then we were in need of some rest from all this fun.

A huge hug of thanks to all of the fine and fun-loving friends who made this journey just to help celebrate the 1st anniversary of my 25th birthday (says Stevo) - it will certainly be a shared memory we'll hold and talk about for years to come.