Wednesday, November 26, 2008

California: Another Long Strange Trip Ahead...

Last Saturday we had a super-fantastic celebration with a whole slew of our wonderful friends in honor of Deb's 50th birthday - wow what a party !

This Friday night we'll be departing on our long-awaited "50th birthday" trip. Our pals Dave & Michelle will be joining us at the start of the journey, traveling with us to Chiang Mai and the surrounding hills along the Laos/Burma border in North Thailand. From there we'll head off to Sri Lanka to visit ancient cities, temples, and tropical beaches. Next stop will be the low-lying island-nation of The Maldives, for New Year's Eve 2008-2009. Dave & Michelle will also be joining us for the week-long celebration in this far-flung spot.

Then, it's back to Thailand for some Southern Thai (island) explorations featuring a few weeks of snorkeling and more beachtime. Next we'll be heading down-under - to Australia (for 3 weeks), first stopping in Perth and Western Australia and then flying across country to the eastcoast town of Byron Bay. It's there that 10 of our fun-lovin' friends from back home will be meeting us to celebrate Stevo's 50th birthday (Feb. 11). The final leg of the journey takes us to another tropical paradise - Fiji - for 5 final days of fun. We'll be returning home on February 19, 2009 - if all goes as planned.

How very lucky we are to once again be able to travel for this extended period of time ~ 3 full months! And, how cool that we'll be trippin' and globetrottin' with good friends along the way.

We hope you dig the new & impoved blog site and that you enjoy the photos and stories we post from our journey. We encourage you to leave public comments on the site, but If you want to get ahold of us by email, our address while traveling is:

Have a happy Thanksgiving, holiday season, and NYE -- we'll see ya next year.
Happy Trails,
Deb & Stevo ~The Grateful Globetrotters